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Demonic Compulsion - Spiral of Abhorrence (Ltd Ed- 100 Units)

11.00 EUR

Image of Demonic Compulsion - Spiral of Abhorrence (Ltd Ed- 100 Units)
  • Image of Demonic Compulsion - Spiral of Abhorrence (Ltd Ed- 100 Units)

(Currently Not shipping to Australia)

Black Cyber Grind from the sickos of Libido Airbag that almost could be a perfect electro/horror grind soundtrack to classic splatter flicks such as Nekromantik, Schramm, Violent Shit and The Burning Moon.

FFO: Libido Airbag, C.U.M, early Anaal Nathrakh, early 1349 and Chaos Cascade

*Limited to 100 Units only!